Wednesday, April 13, 2011

4/12/11 Journal

At the top of class Anna and Adam both showed their scene from the odd couple. They had really good chemistry as scene partners and I thought that their scene was funny. I could tell that they had done some work on their scene. They seemed prepared, and I look forward to seeing the entire scene in the near future. But so far I see some great things happening within the scene. Then Sammie presented a monologue that she is considering performing for General Auditions at the top of next school year. She did well with the monologue, but I would like to see her do something that contrasts her other monologue more. Following her monologue a few of my peers from class engaged in a discussion regarding a video site where auditions can be posted for the theatre department and film department to see. Some felt hesitatnt by the idea though. Following the discussion we played the name game and Aeriel and I were the last two. She won the game and I now need to send her a piece of art!

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