Wednesday, April 13, 2011

4/5/11 Journal

This was our first day back in class after spring break. In this class period Rafi lead the class. We did some vocal exercises as well as warmed up our bodies in order to prepare us to work. We walked around the room while Rafi played music in the background. He asked us to imagine we were being born into the character and developing as that character. We had to understand how this character breathed, moved, felt, etcetra. We then were paired with our scene partners and were talked through various scenarios in which we had to work with one another. For example, one scenario was one where we had to imagine ourselves in a freezing cold forest with suspicions that we were being hunted.

Overall I found the exercise useful because it got me thinking about getting into the mind and physicality of the character I will be portraying in the scene that I am in. It can be challenging to imagine yourself in various scenarios in the way that we were asked.

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