Thursday, April 28, 2011

4/26/11 Journal

Kailei and i performed our scene today. Our scene is from the play Stop Kiss by Diana Son. I portrayed the role of Sara and Kailei played Callie. The play is about to women that have a meaningful friendship that develops into love for one another. In the scene little indicators of their feelings for one another can be seen. And sexual tension builds in the scene. Especially in the part of the scene where Callie accidentally walks in on Sara changing her shirt. I really enjoy this scene because I think it enables Kailei and I to do a lot physically. There is a lot of props that can be used, the blocking is diverse, and we can truly explore our phsyicality within those characters. Although the scene is outside of mine and Kailei's comfort zone we are both pleased that we decided to work on this scene in class. Our notes when we presented it were that we needed to show the sexual tension more and flirtation between Sara and Callie. I need to let my body be relaxed. I wanted to go to that place but I stopped myself.

Kailei and I do our final performance for the scene on may 5th. We will be meeting with Peter and Rafi in between that time, so hopefully the work we do with them will show to the class.

Gabriel and Rosanna performed after Kailei and I. I enjoyed their scene but I felt that Gabriel over acted his character at parts. Rosanna was great in her character but could've amped up her volume more. The scene was interesting to me but I would've liked to see Rosanna stand up or move at certain points as opposed to remaining seated throughout the entire scene. Overall they did good work and tey just have the little things to work on.

Brabte and V performed their scene. The lines weren't completely down but I do see potential in their scene. I forget the name of the play that the scene is from but I did study the play last year in my Acting 1 class.

After scene work Shane worked a monologue that is perfect for him. About how he is the "nice guy" to girls and doesn't want to be constantly put in the friend zone. He did very well with this monologue, he had some minor physicality issues with hand placement but other then that he did great work!

This class meeting was very interesting and I am glad I was in attendence. I feel that I have seen my classmates blossom and grow as performers.

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