Thursday, April 28, 2011

4/21/11 Journal

During this class meeting Jessica and Jeremy performed their scene. I unfortunately did not get the chance to see the entire scene because I arrived late to class due to a meeting that I was at prior to this class meeting.
I do look forward to Jessica and Jeremy's final performance, I have seen them work diligently on their scene and am excited to see the result of their dedication.

Aeriel and Nadia also performed their scene on this day. Their scene consisted of two young babysitters that get tied up together by the young boy that they are babysitting. They struggle in the scene to work together to get free from their restricting perdicament. The scene was funny but I would like to see them do even more with it. They had great chemistry with each other but I would like to see more structure to their blocking...I don't want to just see them lay on the floor the entire scene screaming at each other. The blocking needs to build and rise with their scene. But they did great work and I look forward to seeing the finished version!

This scene reminded me the importance of having a good variety of movement within the blocking of a scene. They had great chemistry with each other but chemistry isn't enough to make the scene complete.

Also, on this day we did stretching exercises in class which really helped me to loosen up my tight back muscles. My abckis what gives me all of my trouble and that could affect how I stand on stage, so I really should utilize the exercises that we did in class to my advantage.

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