Monday, May 16, 2011

5/10/11 Journal

Ari and Nadia
-GREAT BLOCKING! Much moire depth :)
-blocking was a little awkward though on coffee table, don't feel like you have to be constantly moving
-chemistry between you guys was great
-showed that you guys really worked on your scene!

Ariele & Danny
-Felt you could've done more with blocking, but there was some improvement
-felt that you were both vocally trapped (Danny your voice is a high pitch monotone which can be hard to listen to. Try to change up your speaking range!)
-felt like chemistry between characters was off
-liked focus that you guys had
-liked when you both got up at the end, flowed a lot better then

Jeremy & Jessica
-Some awkwardness in the beginning
-not sure Jeremy should've looked out in the audience
-blocking was interesting
-not sure you guys were completely connected at some points, but great chemistry and good moments for the most part
-talk very "theatre" like, more natural, real tone quality would make your characters more believable

Rosanna & Gabriel
-Gabriel: don't overdo some movements
-Rosanna: pull hair back, its too hard to see your face
-good committment to characters
-accent was a little over done at one part (Gabriel)
-good choices in physicality
-not sure Gabriel should remain standing looking away when you talk about her son Loyd

V & Brante
V: saying your lines you tend to get caught up on words
Brante: good attitude in the beginning and good commitment to character
-lines were pretty awkward when talking back and forth (when sitting) need beats and pauses: the rhythm was off in the scene
-Brante: need to play less child attitude and be more womanly
-V: need to connect with Brante more. You should brush Brante off but should react to some things that Brante does, or says. Not enough vocal variety, and body was awkward because you didn;t let yourself fully get into the character.

1 comment:

  1. It is one thing to be able to critique classmates, and another to be able to apply those critiques to my own work. I am going to work over the summer on applying the critiques I have in what i do. This portion of the class has helped me to become a more conscious actor, and has broadened the capabilities that I have as a performer.
