Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Stop Kiss Synopsis

Stop Kiss was written by Diana Son and is a play that follows a heart wrenching love story that twists and turns through the issues of intolerance, self discovery, free will, courage, and profound love. This flavorful play enriched with a thick plot has two main characters Sara and Callie. The play follows their blossoming friendship that grows into deep love. But, a tragedy occurs that leaves wounds on their bond together. A man attacks Callie and Sara soon after seeing them exchange an intimate kiss in central park. The man shouts vulgar things to both women, and Sara being the outspoken one defends herself and Callie. The man attacks them severely injuring Callie and gravely injuring Sara; Sara is put into a coma. This play is about grasping your sense of self and sense of love and the turmoil that that empowering process can bring you. This is a story of the power of love.

I believe that I could use a monologue from this play, from scene six. In this scene Callie is explaining to the detective, through a flash forward, of what happened when she and Sara were assaulted. It is a powerful monologue with intense dialogue. I feel that I could really fluctuate with the levels of my voice doing this monologue and be able to grip my audience emotionally.

Kaeli and I performed the scene that follows, scene 7. I thoroughly enjoyed this play not only because of the message it conveys but because I think that the dialogue and relationship between all of the characters are strong and beautiful. It is a compelling story and I would love to see it performed live!

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