Monday, May 16, 2011

5/5/11 Journal (Scenes)

Anna & Adam:
Scene from The Odd Couple
-Hilarious, great moments!
-Anna: great moments after throwing the pasta
-Adam: a little awkward with your lines in the beginning; more comfortable with physicality; responded well to Anna
-Anna: Let go a little more!
-Chemistry between characters should be a bit more fluid

Sammie & Morgan
Scene from When Dog Sees God
-Dialogue started a bit too late, a little awkward
-Morgan: grabbing chest seemed disjointed
-maybe music should be playing in the background during alcohol pouring, just seemed like long pauses
-mimicking girl was a bit awkward, not connected enough to the character (Morgan)
-Sammie should have jumped up for toast, believed it more!
-Sammie: I'm buzzed moment was great, but line with spork part was awkward
-Watch Volume!!

Shane & Miku
Scene from Frankie and Johnny
-Shane: lost your face in the beginning
-Miku: pull your hair back! Can't see your face!
-Shane: look down a lot, gotta see more of your face
-blocking was a bit repetitive, would like to see you move differently
-salt should have been somewhere else...or actually had a salt shaker
-Miku: closed off gestures, maybe find moments to open up
-like the moment where he asks her to act
- I don't get when you hold hands: need to highlight or make that connection more visible (hand holding went a bit too long)

Hayley & Sean
Scene from Doubt
-a little more volume in beginning
-Sean: hunch a lot, better posture
-Hayley: could be a little more stern in the beginning
Sean: made young gestures...more volume!! More anger!!
-More intensity between characters
-not sure crossing legs is a good choice, makes you seem too relaxed
-I'm a good priest line was good!
-Hayley: good appearing older in physicality
-more of a pause after question

1 comment:

  1. Overall I felt that my classmates did good work. It was obvious that time and effort was dedicated towards their scenes. In seeing the performance of these scenes it helped me learn and grow as an actress. The critiques that were given to my classmates I was able to take into consideration and apply to my own work. This part of the class ultimately was beneficial to me as a performer.
