Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Poetry Reading

The Kingdom of Yorke: Final Draft
By: Andrew Boettcher

Gather round little knights and young maidens
For a story, a tale I shall tell
Its sad, bittersweet, But a telling complete
Gather round, gather round, gather round…

There once was a land
The roads lined with gold
The low valleys hot
And the tall mountains cold

The rivers ran wide
The passes ran narrow
Where shields and swords
Met the bows and the arrows…

Where our forefathers landed
And drew up a name
Forsaking all others
And staking their claim

They fought the savages
Til' battles grew still
A servant searched his master out
With parchment and a quill…

He found him alone
On the highest hillside
He poured steaming sweat
A wild gaze in his eyes

His shield was broad
And his armor was old
Forged for his honor
From a once fiery mold…

He approached him ever slow
And he kept his voice low
Speaking the softest
And sweetest of tones…

He said, sire, the war is won
The land is ours, your will be done
The fallen were few but the cost it is high
The rivers of blood have run full before dry

The knight raised his hand
And a silence ensued
As he cast his arm broadly
So steady and smooth

He spoke in a hushed tone
Like never before
As he gazed from the south
To the west and the north…

He said, we shall call this golden land
From mountains of stone
To the last grains of sand
Its name therefore shall be evermore

The Kindgom of Yorke, The Kingdom of Yorke…

Over time they ventured in
To find a land so free of sin
The rivers pure as holy water
Innocent as virgin daughters

Scattered skies of cotton clouds
Overhead, a veil, a shroud
Untamed nature wild and mean
The warmest land they'd ever seen…

The land spanned the country
From sea to shining sea
Supple Earth of milk and honey
Far as could be seen

The thick and vicious forests
Swathed the timberlands of old
Protecting Mother Nature
In its thick and twisting folds…

Endless seas of grain
Nursed by storms of gentle rain
Rolling hills of green
Cast their glimmer and their sheen

The purple mountains majesty
Would only prove a travesty
As we would all too soon forget
Our greatest loss and tragedy…

I regret to say
That this story's not my own
But the tale has to spread
And the legend has to grow

I swear it's not a myth
And declare it's not a lie
To dishonor my name
Is a fate worse than to die…

Let us travel back
To a tale of a tale
A story that's so sobering
That drunk’s lay down their ales
And here is how it came to me…

Many years ago
As I walked down a cobble road
That was where I found him
And my life would change tenfold…

He leaned against a tree
Gasping as he breathed
His spirit shook the leaves
As his body strained and heaved…

Behind a mask of gin
He concealed a smirking grin
Each time he fetched his jack
He'd swing forward then swing back

Knowing as he was
He was lost inside his soul
His face burnt from the sun
And his eyes they looked so old…
Rapped in ragged soldiers clothes
A worn and weathered sheath
Long and scraggly hair
And a mouth of yellow teeth

I wandered over to him
And I helped the man to town
I sensed his end was near
So I bought the man a round...

We introduced ourselves
And his stories they would pour
As though they were the wines
From the tavern keepers store

This man had seen the world
And he bragged about it so
I have to say he looked it
He was wore down to the bone…

We laughed and drank and sang and ate
Well into the night
Far past the criers calls
Until the morning light

It seemed we’d reach no end
Although his fate would quickly twist
His eyes glazed over as he fell
And tried to grab my wrist…

I rushed to his side
As tears filled my eyes
I knew it was his end
And I’d have to watch him die

He drew me close to him
And he spoke into my ear
His voice had changed its sound
It was clear and so sincere…

Dear boy, my time has come
My life on Earth is done
My charge I pass to you
If you swear to see it done...

“I shall” I say to him…
“I shall spread this legend to the world until my dying breath…”

Very well…An immortal man was I
Don’t mourn me, don’t cry
I never thought I’d live to see
The day that I would die

A thousand years ago
This legend came to me
You would not believe
All the wonders I have seen…

The Earth has seen in you
A goodness born anew
Therefore its my duty that
I pass this right to you

Now God will let me rest, assured you’ll pass the test
It shall be your mission and your life’s enduring quest…

He placed his palm upon my head
And drew me near once more
The visions that he sent me
Made me wish I’d not seen more

I saw the fall of Kingdoms past
The blood, the death, the fear
The devastating echoes now
All seemed so crystal clear

The fields burned, the skies grew stark
The soil ran dry, once light now dark
Over and over, failing, falling
An endless end in a timeless time

How’d it come to pass ?
Who, Where, When, and Why ?
Should I stand and fight ?
Or hide and softly cry ?

So many questions in my mind
So much to know, so little time
His hand slid down, his story told
His flesh wore thin and he went cold…

His body vanished from the ground
A gust of wind, and eerie sounds
Then came his voice, roaring down
It shook the silent sleeping town

He boomed,

11 of 9, Look to the skies
Don’t dare forget or else you’ll lament

Horsemen from the East
Will come riding silver beasts
Flying high in the sky
And on freedom they will feast

They’ll bring the castles down
They will smite them to the ground
You will try to fight them
Evil men will knock you down

Spewing foul deceptions and immaculate deceits
They will not be rested
until you admit defeat…

The masses they will turn
And defend the other side
They will see you guilty
As you’re fighting for their rights

Freedom they’ll be after
And slavery they’ll bring
Tell the legend if you like
Tell it softly as you sing

For if you tell it loudly
Then the constables shall hear
They’ll drag you to the dungeon
And replace it all with fear

They will try to teach it first
Then tear it out of you
Fade it into fable
‘Til your honor’s been consumed…

There won’t be a single reason
It will come at fall’s first season
Autumn serves this paradox
Come half the days to equinox

For this shall be our judgment day
Don’t forget this dreadful date
I’ve done all that I can do
Now I trust the rest to you…

Then he spoke in tongues,

11 of 9, 11of 9
11 of 9, 11 of 9, 11 of 9, 11of 9


These were his poor dying words
He confessed them all to me
They would never be reheard
Except when passed to thee

The Kingdom of Yorke
Has fallen once before
Until my time on earth is done
I’ll let it fall no more…

Recall this very day
When you are old and gray
You all have been forewarned
Let not this memory be scorned…

Off to bed little knights and young maidens
For a story a tale I have told
It was sad, bittersweet, but I told it complete…
Pass it on, pass it on, pass it on…

1 comment:

  1. I attended a poetry reading that my brother performed in and helped coordinate at a gathering at a local coffee shop about a month ago. It was interesting hearing people read their own written poems and well known poems. Each poem was an expression of that individual person. I came to develop a deeper respect for poetry upon attending this reading.
