Tuesday, March 1, 2011

1/20/11 1st Day! (Journal)

This was our very first class session. The first exercise we did was intended to realign our spines and to relax our bodies. One person would be bent over humming from low to high pitches, while the other person would gently hit their back as well as their legs. We also played a name game, sort of was like an AA meeting. Haha. Someone would say their name and the entire class would say hello to them and then repeat their name back to them. Once everyone was familiarized with each others names we played a name game with a tennis ball. You were required to hit the ball in a certain way and call someone's name. I felt that the tennis ball name game served as a good ice breaker and also was very helpful in helping me remember everyone's names. Rosanna won the game and we all sent her Haiku poems.

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