Sunday, March 20, 2011

3/17/11 Journal

The class did a quick warm up on our own. Today I presented my monologue. I was anxious to present it. Unfortunately Rafi was npt present for the performance. I felt very ready for the performance of my monologue. Unfortunately I did not recieve a critique that i felt was appropriate from Morgan. It actually offended me somewhat. I will not go into detail about how I felt about this critique since it is concerning the way another student affected me on an emotional and personal level with the inapproriate comment that she made. Peter, professor Cirino's critiques were somewhat positive and beneficial on the other hand. He informed me that I commanded a strong presence on stage and the i was connected to my body. But, he did notice that there was some tension in my voice when performing the monologue. Overall I was a bit disappointed with the outcome of the critiques I was given since I did work very hard on this performance. I had a total of four meetings outside of class that I went to in order to prepare myself for my performance. I do plan on giving the performance of another monologue in class. I am considering doing a monologue from Laughing Wild by Christopher Durang.

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