Monday, March 21, 2011

5th Play: Dying Light

"A dying climber fights demons, real and imagined, on the icy flanks of a dangerous Alaskan Mountain.  This play
explores issues of responsibility and commitment, using the world of mountaineering as a complex metaphor. 
The piece is highly theatrical in nature and an extremely engaging ride."

This brief synopsis that I found about Dying Light I did not feel gave the play complete justice. To me Dying Light connected to me on a more personal level. A few years ago my father battled and survived level four lymphoma cancer. Jenny's character reminded me of my father's attitude throughout his battle with cancer. Both Jenny and my father made light of their situation through humor. I remember visiting my dad in the City of Hope, which is a prestigious cancer treatment facility. He was all smiles though to see me even though he was undergoing intense treatment. He kept cracking jokes at himself and being silly, it was almost impossible to believe that he was actually sick.

This monologue, this play ultimately, called out to me through a personal level and that is why I chose it/enjoyed reading it. 

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