Friday, March 25, 2011

3/22/11 Journal

Today in class my peers performed their final performance for their monologues. Sammie and I already performed our final monologues before this class meeting so we did not have to present on this day.

Jessica: Pheiffers People
-Good transitions between characters within the monologue
-Rafi said that you don't necessarily need to go on the ground. He wasn't sure it necessarily worked for the monologue, but he liked the levels.
-I had a hard time understanding what was said when fell to the floor.
-Overall enjoyed the piece. great work.

Shane: Savage and Limbo
-Making same gestures several times
-Liked his point of focus (he really saw Linda)
-Physicality was more like Shane instead of Tom
Rafi wanted his slate a bit more professional
-Natural quality showed itself a little more, but ending needs to be shaped and molded more

Danny: Ron from Search and Destroy
-Need different vocal levels
-Really liked the movement with the piece because the gestures gave it life
-Get the chair before introduction/slate
-Overall a funny piece and loved the choices that were made

Brante: Miss Warren's Profession
-Good physicality
-Good voice levels
-Really liked the facials that she used
-Push lower register of voice
-Really great piece for you and loved the moment when you turned around and really saw that other person

-Transition in beginning should be a little more fluid
-Try not to repeat the same motion over and over
-Very diverse actress proved that you can do comedy and drama; great work!

I enjoyed all of the monologues that were shown today. Everyone did really great on their pieces and I was impressed overall.

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