Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Vagina Monologues

I saw the first showing, the Friday shoing of Vagina Monologues. I wasn't sure what to expect in going to see the show, but I most definietly was excited to see it because I had heard a lot of great things about the show and a friend of mine, Anna performed as the "angry vagina," and I wanted to go and support her. Not only was Anna phenominal in the show, but all of the women were! SDSU has some talented actresses! Not only was the show funny but it was also moving for me. I felt that every young woman up on that stage felt empowered and their empowerment was highly contagious, or at least for me it was.

I was glad to see that a lot of men actually went to see the show as well, and I found it funny that some of the men that seemed scepticle before the start of the show were the one's that were laughing the hardest throughout the show.

I will admit that at some points I felt a little awkward, like when on numerous occassions the women on stage would fake an orgasm. But, that's what I truly appreciated about the show at the same time. It was just OUT THERE, brutily BLUNT and HONEST.

Overall, the show was poetic and truly an experience that I am glad that I was priviledged to have. I am planning on auditioning nect year to be part of the VDAY epidemic!

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