Monday, March 21, 2011

My Best Friend's Wedding Scene

I performed in a scene for my Directing 1 class. The scene was from the movie My Best Friend's Wedding. I portrayed the role of Jules, whom is in love with her best friend Micheal who is getting married to a young woman named Kimmie. The scene is set with Jules and Micheal having coffe together where Micheal breaks the news to Jules that he is getting married. This news shocks Jules and crushes her because she realizes that she is in love with her best friend and was hoping that this meeting would be the perfect time to tell him.

I really enjoyed doing this scene not only because it is from one of my favorite movies, but also because I enjoyed doing the scene. This scene was different from any other scene that I have done before and I really appreciated that aspect of it.

I was recently asked to be in a scene by another peer of mine in that class; Ryan. He wrote his own script and developed a scene. The scene is very clever and serves as a metaphor. I am excited to being work on this scene.

As far as the 500 Days of Summer scene I played in and my own scene I am still waiting to hear back from the director's from the film department in order to retrieve the link for the scenes so that I can post them on my blogging site. I hope to post them very soon!

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